James Illing Scholarship Fund
James Illing was an avid football fan and was actively involved with sons Doug and Chad’s sports throughout his life. He was a Little League Football Coach who fashioned his coaching style after Bear Bryant and Vince Lombardi. James was serious about the game to say the least.
Doug Illing, Davie High Football Coach from 1996-2014 remembers, “Dad was a good coach but the rides home were the worst. He was always hardest on me and would critique my play the entire way home.” During Doug’s senior year in high school, his dad decided to go back to college. They went to separate schools, but graduated from college together in 1986.
When Davie High hired Doug Illing, James became an honorary part of the coaching staff. “Dad came to every game and found his way into pregame warm-up drills,” said Doug. “We finally gave him a shirt, hat and job keeping stats on where every pass was thrown during a game so we could chart the offensive plays. He was more than happy to assist with anything that would help the team perform better. The rides back from away games were always memorable. It was dark in the van but you always knew where James Illing was by his laugh. It was infectious.
After a lengthy illness, James died in 2011. Family and friends established his Scholarship to remember a man who gave so much of himself to make young men better players, but more importantly, better people with good moral character and a dedication to being the very best.
The James Illing Scholarship is available to a Davie High School football player.