Grant Award CONTRACT Please select the Type of Grant you were awarded:Pearls of Empowerment GrantCommunity GrantHealthcare GrantS.U.R.F Board GrantOrganization*Name* First Last Title*Email:* Phone:*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Grant#:*Grant Amount:*Project:*Grant Report Deadline MM slash DD slash YYYY Accept this Community Grant* The Board of Directors of the Davie Community Foundation, Inc. voted to approve the Community grant listed above. You may accept this grant by signing below. Your organization certifies to the Davie Community Foundation, Inc. that no private individual will receive tangible benefits, goods, or services. You also agree to comply with the requirements stated below: 1. Publicize your Community grant in conjunction with publicity / materials for your project. The Foundation reserves the right to use such publications or selected excerpts in Foundation reports and/or promotional materials.) 2. Submit a written report by June 30, 2025. Failure to submit a report on time will negatively impact future grants. Accept this S.U.R.F. Grant* The S.U.R.F. Board Youth Grantmakers board voted to approve the SURF Board grant listed above. You may accept this grant by signing below. Your organization certifies to the Davie Community Foundation, Inc. that no private individual will receive tangible benefits, goods, or services. You also agree to comply with the requirements stated below: 1. Publicize your S.U.R.F. grant in conjunction with publicity / materials for your project. The Foundation reserves the right to use such publications or selected excerpts in Foundation reports and/or promotional materials.) 2. Submit a written report by the deadline listed above. Failure to submit a report on time will negatively impact future grants. Accept this Davie County Hospital Foundation Fund Grant* The Board of Directors of the Davie Community Foundation, Inc. voted to approve the Davie County Hospital Foundation Fund grant listed above. You may accept this grant by signing below. Your organization certifies to the Davie Community Foundation, Inc. that no private individual will receive tangible benefits, goods, or services. You also agree to comply with the requirements stated below: 1. Publicize your Davie County Hospital Foundation Fund grant in conjunction with publicity / materials for your project. The Foundation reserves the right to use such publications or selected excerpts in Foundation reports and/or promotional materials.) 2. Submit a report by June 30th. Failure to submit a report on time will negatively impact future grants. Link to grant report: this Pearls of Empowerment Grant* The award listed above was approved by a vote of the Pearls of Empowerment members. You may accept this grant by signing below. Your organization certifies to the Davie Community Foundation, Inc. that no private individual will receive tangible benefits, goods, or services. You also agree to comply with the requirements stated below: 1. Publicize your Pearls of Empowerment grant in conjunction with publicity/materials for your project. We encourage you to submit photos where appropriate. (We will be happy to assist you with materials upon request. Pearls of Empowerment desires the widest possible distribution of any publications or articles resulting from the grant. Pearls of Empowerment and the Davie Community Foundation reserve the right to use such publications or selected excerpts in reports and/or promotional materials.) 2. Submit a grant report by August 1st. 3. If any funds are unspent on August 1st submit a preliminary grant report by August 1st and return unspent funds or request an extension. Your organization will not be eligible to receive future grants if a grant report is not received by August 1st.Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Signature: On behalf of the organization listed above, I agree to comply with the requirements listed above.*