On Thursday, November 14th, more than 130 Pearls and guests gathered to celebrate 10 Years of Pearls of Empowerment. This year, Pearls awarded $40,100 in grants to twelve organizations for programs impacting women and children. Over the past 10 years, Pearls has granted $317,112 to Davie County organizations! Advocacy Center of Davie County – $5,600: Funding will be used for Housing Stabilization for Davie County Women and Children and … [Read more...]
2019 Pearls Membership Social
Pearls of Empowerment hosted their annual membership social on March 14, 2019 at Meg Brown Home Furnishings. Attendees enjoyed a presentation from Megan Brown who shared home decorating tips such as changing out pillows with the seasons, using soft lighting and certain wattage light bulbs, and many more helpful tips for making your house feel like a home. The ladies also heard about what it means to be a Pearl and in what ways the Pearls contribute to the betterment of our community. Thank you … [Read more...]
Pearls of Empowerment Host COPE Event
On Thursday, February 21st, Pearls of Empowerment hosted The Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE). COPE is a simulation designed to help participants understand real life situational poverty. It allows participants to experience the impact poverty has on real families in our communities. Groups were formed to represent families and were then tasked with finding resources and allocating the minimal monies and possessions they had in order to live day-to-day and survive. This impactful … [Read more...]
Pearls Awards $32,030 in Grants!
The Power of Women was celebrated Thursday November 8th as more than 100 Pearls and guests gathered for the annual grant awarding. This year, Pearls awarded seven local organizations $32,030 in grants, funding programs providing assistance to women and children. In total, Pearls have granted $277,012 to Davie County organizations over the past 9 years. After enjoying a delicious lunch, Tara Wallace-Boone, Success Coach and instructor for an upcoming COPE event, spoke firsthand about … [Read more...]
All ladies in the community…
Pearls 2018 -2019 Leadership Team
Pearl’s Membership Social & Fashion Show
Pearls of Empowerment hosted an exciting evening of fashion and fun on Thursday April 12th. One hundred fifteen Davie women learned more about the mission and accomplishments of the women’s giving circle, part of Davie Community Foundation. Throughout the fashion show, Southern Ties owner Chandra Holcomb shared Spring and Summer trends through fashion, and Courtney Rowe, co-chair of the Pearls membership and marketing committee shared specifics on the impact Pearls has made and is … [Read more...]
Bountiful Giving
Thanks to their generous giving, Pearls of Empowerment awarded $38,300 to ten organizations at their 8th annual meeting!Congratulations to: The Advocacy Center of Davie: Assistance for women with, or without, children living at or below poverty level - $3,000 Big Brothers Big Sisters Services Inc.: The Big Buddy Club - $500 Davie County Schools: Healthy Davie Preschool Initiative - $4,500 Davie Domestic Violence Services & Rape Crisis Center: Bilingual Victim Support and Outreach … [Read more...]