Pearls of Empowerment hosted an exciting evening of fashion and fun on Thursday April 12th. One hundred fifteen Davie women learned more about the mission and accomplishments of the women’s giving circle, part of Davie Community Foundation.
Throughout the fashion show, Southern Ties owner Chandra Holcomb shared Spring and Summer trends through fashion, and Courtney Rowe, co-chair of the Pearls membership and marketing committee shared specifics on the impact Pearls has made and is currently making in our community.
Models for the fashion show were volunteers. Many of them were part of the youngest generation of women in Davie County — students at Davie High. Other models came from various agencies that have all benefited from Pearls grants over the past years.
THANK YOU to Chandra Holcomb, owner of Southern Ties boutique, Wendy Terry, coordinator, the models, Kathy Miller for the photos and everyone else that was involved in this fun event!
To learn more about Pearls of Empowerment and the work they are doing in the community click here