$5,324 to House of Hope Piedmont for flooring installation for the upstairs portion of House of Hope Piedmont (approximately 4,500 square feet). House of Hope Piedmont provides residential treatment programs for teens age 13-17. House of Hope Piedmont in Davie is initially equipped to house and treat 12 girls.
$5,500 to Just Hope to operate the Family Day Center in their new facility. The Family Day Center will provide a safe-haven for homeless or at-risk families to come. They will have access to vital resources, tools, and services to assist them in becoming housed and self-sufficient.
$6,000 to Smart Start of Davie County for a Nurturing Parenting Program. Nurturing Parenting provides a way to serve families on the Parents as Teachers wait list. If they need more intensive services after the 10 week Nurturing Parenting classes, they will transition to the Parents as Teachers Program.
$10,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Davie County for the Big Buddy Program. The Big Buddy Program matches volunteer mentors with elementary school children at eight after-school sites in Davie County. The more than eighty children are typically from single parent homes and have been identified by teachers or school guidance counselors as ones who would benefit from having an additional friend/mentor at school. Volunteers are primarily high school students, but can also include college students and adults from the community.
$10,000 to The CARes Project. CARes is a new project developed under United Way of Davie County. They will use grant funds for operational expenses and loan capital to make low interest loans to low-income, credit-challenged, working adults who live in Davie County. The CARes Project plans to offer up to 8 loans of up to $8,000 each in 2017.