The Davie Community Foundation SURF Board awarded $12,212 in Grants for youth led projects to benefit the youth and children in Davie County.
SURF defines philanthropy with 3 T’s; giving Time, Talent and Treasure to make the community better.
“I am super proud of all of their hard work to raise the money, and their discernment as they heard grant requests, and made their decisions. I can’t wait to see the results from the completed projects.” said SURF Advisor Tami Daniel.
The following awards were made for 2016:
Laura Cain – Davie High Hunger Fighters – Award Amount $1,549
Laura’s project is Stockings for Schools which will provide 200 stockings filled with school supplies to the low income students at the high school and the three middle schools. This is the fourth year of this successful project. Laura hopes to expand this project into the elementary schools in the future.
Claire Devereaux – Davie High National Honor Society – Award Amount $800
Claire’s project is to put the Davie High Recycling Program back into place for the EC Students at the high school, so they can have their daily job back that was lost due to budget cuts. She will be purchasing bins for all of the buildings as well as creating signs and providing instruction for student and faculty on their part of making the program successful.
Clayton Foster – Bethlehen UMC Youth Group – Award Amount $3,000
Clayton’s project is for a Bike Safety Day at the church for the children that live in a nearby mobile home park. They plan to give bike, helmets,and prepare a safety course for training for the children. They also want to introduce the children and their parents to local firefighters and law enforcement to introduce them as their friends and people they can count on. (The group originally requested $4,000, but SURF feels they can accomplish their goals with less.)
Molly Hartness – Davie Hair Drive – Award Amount $700
Molly is organizing a county wide hair drive to gather ponytails to make wigs for cancer patients through Pantene Beautiful Lengths. Participation in this event has a direct impact on the girls of Davie County who serve others by donating their hair, as well as raising awareness for the cause.
Ashton Mann – Smart Start of Davie County – Award Amount $1,000
Ashton and Anna Jones requested money to purchase a computer for Smart Start’s Early Resource Center. The computer will be used by Ashton and Anna to implement “Resource Mate,” a program to bar code and label all of the educational kits and materials that are available for local preschool families to check out. This will make the system much for efficient and user friendly. Ashton and Anna are volunteering their time this summer to set the program up, and educate the families on how to use it.
Julia Vaughan-Jones – Davie High National Honor Society – Award Amount $2,045
Julia’s project is Summer Bags for the Homeless. This is the second year for this project. They plan to provide 125 bags filled with toiletry items and age appropriate activities to entertain the homeless students over the summer. They also want to provide connections with free programs that are available to the students during the summer.
Laurel Hecht – The STEM Juniors – Award Amount $2,174
The STEM Juniors are a group of eleventh grade STEM students at Davie County High School. They plan to purchase six gymnastics mats for Mocksville Elementary. The addition of new gymnastics mats to the Mocksville Elementary gymnasium will encourage students to maintain healthy lifestyles, while continuing the progress made by the Healthy, Fit and Strong program already implemented at the school.
Callie Wisecarver – Girl Scout Troop 2147 – Award Amount $944
Callie and her Girl Scout Troop are creating Personal Care Bags for the abused children at the Dragonfly House. The bags will contain a comfort toy, toiletries, school supplies, snacks, some basic clothing items, etc.
The following 2015 Grant recipients updated the community on their completed projects: