Weather for the 5th Annual Popsicle 5K was spring like compared to past years. Runners embraced the perfect day for a great run, and several even accepted The Brain Freeze Challenge! A new course this year offered a challenging run, and participants enjoyed the inclusion of part of the new Greenway.
After the run, participants enjoyed homemade soup, grilled cheese, and fruit while visiting with each other, and getting to know SURF members. The raffle provided 22 lucky winners with great prizes. During the Award Celebration, the Top Three Overall Winners were awarded medals and gift cards.
1st Place -Guillermo Contreras of Winston-Salem 2nd Place – Joseph Willis of Winston-Salem 3rd Place – Austin Miller of Cooleemee Medals were awarded to the top three male and female in all age groups as well.
The Fun Run for children under 10 was a great opportunity for them to get in on the action as well. They were given shirts and prizes for their participation.
The Popsicle Palooza provide a lot of laughter, cheers and fun, as participants ate as many Popsicles as they could in three minutes. Winner Mikhail Harris was awarded a No Pain, No Gain mug.
A special highlight for the SURF Board was Foundation President, Jane Simpson participating in the run after challenging the Board to raise $10K in sponsorships. SURF met her challenge, and she arrived at the run dressed as a grape and cherry Popsicle, riding in a decorated cart.
SURF deemed the 5th Annual Run a success. They appreciate every sponsor, every volunteer, and every participant, and look forward to awarding grants from race proceeds next month that will have a positive impact on the Youth of Davie County.