The 5n5 Community Impact Challenge is a campaign for endowment. The challenge to the community is to raise $5,000,000 in Community Funds in 5 years.
Once the challenge is met, an additional $250,000 will be available every year for Community Fund grants in Davie County!
December 31st marks the end of year three of the challenge. We have reached $2,477,909! $522,091 is needed to attain the 3rd year goal of $3,000,000.
Thanks to the generosity of our community, grants from Community Funds increased from $79,000 to $105,000 in 2015; touching hundreds more!
GIVING TUESDAY is December 1, 2015!
Make a gift to the Community Impact Fund on Giving Tuesday, or any day in December, and help meet the 5n5 Community Impact Challenge!
Click here to DONATE and make a gift online.
Mail, or deliver, a check payable to the Davie Community Foundation to 107 N. Salisbury St., Mocksville, NC 27028. (We are located right beside Junkers Mill.)
Funds from the 5n5 Community Impact Challenge will have a direct IMPACT on Davie County residents, both today and FOREVER!